"I am the eggman!"
A bizarre scene from the movie 'Magical Mystery Tour'. Have you seen that one? Maybe someday it will be reissued as DVD again. Though not quite a great film but it definitely has a great soundtrack.
I Am The Walrus is a really great song. Lennon and Martin's work of geniuses. How can they make a very complex sound like this...listenable and even tuneful. Goo Goo G'Joob!
Lennon explained the origins of this song in his 1980 Playboy interview: "The first line was written on one acid trip one weekend. The second line was written on the next acid trip the next weekend, and it was filled in after I met Yoko. Part of it was putting down Hare Krishna. All these people were going on about Hare Krishna, Allen Ginsberg in particular. The reference to 'Element'ry penguin' is theelementary, naive attitude of going around chanting, 'Hare Krishna,' or putting all your faith in any one idol. I was writing obscurely, a la Dylan, in those days."
8/10 Mr.Walrus!
You still can buy the old DVD version of it.
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