We all know that Paul play left-hand bass but is he really a left-hand? Hunter Davies made it clear in The Beatles authorized biography (1968): "His [Paul's] guitar cost fifteen pounds and Paul couldn't get anything out of it at first. There seemed to be something wrong with it. Then he realized it was because he was left- handed. He took it back and got it altered...."
But Philip Norman wrote in Shout! in 1981:"Paul, strangely, made little progress [at the guitar]. His left-hand fingers found it irksome to shape the patterns of black dots shown in the tuition book, and his right hand, somehow, lacked the bounce necessary for strumming. Then he made the discovery that, although right-handed for every other purpose, he was left-handed as a guitar player".
Umm I think I'll let this photo gives you an answer!
haha that's so cute that hes a lefty ^-^ poor Paul, well not really. Cos he got good at it :]
George Martin have said that Paul can play every instruments or do anything just give him some times!
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